In 2003, beActive Entertainment created the world’s first interactive multiplatform TV series for RTP, “Sofia’s Diary” (Diário de Sofia), a TV series that became a global hit and has reached an audience of more than 500 million viewers and has been shown in 30 countries including China, Brazil, and Australia.
After this initial success, beActive produced “Beat Generation”, “Flatmates”, the Kidscreen Award-winner “Aisling’s Diary”, and the Emmy-nominated TV series “Final Punishment”, “Beat Girl”, and “Collider”. In North America, beActive co-produced two HBO Canada TV Series: “Living in Your Car” and “The Line”. More recently beActive produced “The Standups” for TV3 Ireland and “The Ventura Family” for RTP.
// TV Shows Produced //
- The Ventura Family (Portugal, 2017). Limited Series. Broadcaster: RTP (Portugal).
- The Players (Portugal, 2016). Limited Series. Broadcaster: RTP (Portugal).
- The Stand Ups (Ireland, 2015). TV Documentary. Broadcaster: TV3 (Ireland).
- Beat Girl: The TV Series (Ireland/UK/Portugal, 2013). EMMY-Nominated TV series.
- Market Flavors (2013). Producer for FOX International Channels.
- Collider: The TV Series (Ireland/Portugal, 2013). Emmy Nominated TV series.
- The Club (2012). Produced for Setanta Sports Ireland.
- Yes I Can (2012). Produced for Setanta Sports Ireland.
- Living in Your Car (Canada, 2010-2011). Produced in Canada for HBO Canada.
- Flatmates (Portugal, Romania and Greece, 2009-2010).
- The Line (Canada, 2008-2009). Produced in Canada for HBO Canada.
- Aisling’s Diary (Ireland, 2008-2010). Broadcasted in Ireland (RTÉ), Australia (ABC) and Sweden (SVT).
- Final Punishment: The TV Series (Portugal/Brazil, 2009). TV Series nominated to the International EMMY and Rose D’ Or awards.
- Sofia’s Diary (Several territories, 2003-2010). Produced for Sony Pictures Television.